Author Archives: Birgitte Brydso

Public deliverables 2.7, 2.9, 5.3, 6.3, 6.5, 6.7, 7.7, and 7.8 uploaded.

Public deliverables uploaded: D2.7 Eigenvalue solvers for nonsymmetric problems D2.9 Novel SVD Algorithms D5.3 Validation and evaluation D6.3 Evaluation of software prototypes D6.5 Evaluation of auto-tuning techniques D6.7 Prototypes for tiled one-sided factorizations with algorithm-based fault tolerance D7.7 Dissemination report. Period M19-M42 D7.8 Release of the NLAFET library For the full list of released public deliverables, see this page:

CCPE – Paper Accepted for special issue

Paper accepted to a special issue of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE). This special issue will consist of extended versions of the best papers accepted by PPAM 2017. The title of the paper is “Parallel robust solution of triangular linear systems” Robust algorithms do not suffer from overflow and always return a valid result. In LAPACK eigenvectors (standard… Read more »

Research poster award for Mawussi Zounon

Research poster award for Mawussi Zounon on exploiting the low precision floating-point arithmetic available on NVIDIA V100 GPU in solving linear system of equations. The title of the poster is “Using GPU’s FP16 Tensor Cores Arithmetic to Accelerate Mixed-Precision Iterative Refinement Solvers and Reduce Energy Consumption” with the authors Azzam Haidar, Stan Tomov, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Mawussi Zounon, Jack Dongarra

SIAM PP18 – SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing

NLAFET sent several participants to SIAM PP18 (March 7-10, 2018) at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, where they presented some of their ongoing research.  Persons in italic made the presentation at the conference. Talks Dense Linear Systems for Extreme Scale  Jack J. Dongarra, University of Tennessee, ORNL, and University of Manchester, USA The Batched Blas abstract Sven J. Hammarling and… Read more »

Working Notes 17-18 published and available.

Working Notes 17 and 18 have been uploaded: WN17 – Sparse direct solution on parallel computers, Iain Duff, Florent Lopez, and Stojce Nakov WN18 – An Auto-Tuning Framework for a NUMA-Aware Hessenberg Reduction Algorithm, Mahmoud Eljammaly, Lars Karlsson, and Bo Kågström The full list of published Working Notes can be found on this page: